Past Events
Nov. 13th. 2022 Autumn Open House

January 17th. 2019 Twin Brother's Professor Wm Watson & Rev. Dr. Frank Watson
Presented an Update on the Ghost of Duffy's Cut.

Carolyn Mercadante, Vernalee Fry and Grandson participating in the 2018 Claymont Christmas parade – December 2, 2018

September 22, 2018 - Carolyn Mercandante - talking to a group during Historic Claymont Tour

October 25th, Author & master storyteller Ed Okonowicz – Ghost of Delmarva

April 21st. 2018
A journey Through Journaling
Claymont Remembered - The Claymont Historical Society and the Claymont Stone School have teamed up to hold this event. Claymont Remembered History. Guest speakers Catherine Carter Kelly and John DeCostanza spoke about the importance of recording family history and stories: What is a journal, how to record and remember people and events in our lives, how to write a journal and to whom to leave it?

Bill Shull’s ~ July 11th, 2018
Picture of Philadelphia Television - add – Book signing

July 11th, 2018
Picture of Bill Shull - Author and Photographer
The History of Philadelphia TV.

June 7th, 2018
Picture of Charlie Zahm "Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts"
The Music of Stephen Foster
Check Out our Archived Photos Here